Friday, April 8, 2016

ESTJ Personality

                                                                       The Execuitve
Good order is the foundation of all things. -Edmund Burke
(I don't agree)
        Strengths: One of my strengths are I am dedicated so tasks aren't simply forgotten because they've become difficult or boring. I am also direct and honest but for the personality test it says that I trust more in facts upset from opinions. I totally agree I am dedicated but i do trust in my opinions.

        Weaknesses: One of my weaknesses are difficult to relax, anything that is stressful. This I do agree but I still continue to try. The last is inflexible and stubborn, so they hate when others don't try their best. I do not agree because I'm not judgmental to others I mostly motivate them to work in a good way.      

         Friendships: According to the site, ESTJs' friends are never short on invites to social activities and events, from tickets to a local ball game, to a weekend camping trip, to Sunday BBQ. I agree with this because o hang out with my friends but not all the times we get to go out sometimes (50%)  but we stay indoors and play games or I stay with my family.                                  

        Career Paths: ESTJs' career paths are often as clear and straightforward as they are themselves. Though there are many directions they can choose to go, people with the ESTJ personality type almost always end up in situations where they have the opportunity to exercise their affinity for organization, structure, and follow-through. Providing further focus, ESTJs share a profound respect for tradition, stability and security, qualities which lend themselves well to progressing along clear paths to increased responsibility and dependability. I do agree because i want the best of me. 

Ted Talk #1

                       To begin with Wael Ghonim says that in today's world there are five critical challenges facing today's social media. One positive impact about social media is you could spread social media activism and calling other people. Some negative impacts are hackers and and bad comments. 

                       One of the critical challenges is rumors is something  we don't know how to control. Rumors are believed and spread around the world. Another one is everyone creates their own echo chambers. People only attend to communicate with people they agree which is good. Third, discussions turn to angry mobs so this is saying there are negative things in social media also we forget but there are no avatars only real people.  Another or fourth, its hard to change our opinion because we often focus to improve our opinion. Last Social Media is experienced are designed in a way that favors broadcasting over engagements.

                      But not only Weal Ghonim tells 5 critical challenges but he says two liberate things about the internet. The first one is we have to use social media as it is suppose to be, using it by discussing with new people, not saying bad comments. The last one is we should not believe in other people, believe in yourself because you might have better ideas than them.

                      In conclusion we have learned Weal Ghonim five critical challenges and two things he liberated about social media.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

favorite music artist

                I really don't have a favorite music artist but i had to choose Kendrick Lamar because he has one of the best songs but not only him there are other artist. I'm not sure if he will be in the future my favorite music artist because there are always new music artist coming everyday.

Monday, March 28, 2016

Digital Citizenship

              Digital Citizenship is a concept which helps teachers, and technology leaders, and parents to better understand to make other people use the internet safely and responsible.

              Two types of technology i use in my life is my phone and my computer. I use this devices to help me in my homework/classwork and for playing games.  Well two disadvantages by using this technologies are a play to much of games that rather than that I should be focusing on school work. Going along with that I watch to much videos when i should be reading. But some advantages is I use it to help my homework and I also use it to find interesting things that I don't know.

              Well i don't talk bad about people in the internet like Instagram, Facebook, etc., which this called cyberbully. But one thing I do bad is abusing to much time in the internet when i should spend time to do school work, like reading counts.

              Using technology could help me in the future to find colleges/schools, help me in homework or even study for exams. This will help me because technology is one of the most powerful source ever created in the world.


Thursday, February 11, 2016

National inventors Day

 I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. This is one of Thomas Edison's quote which he was a great inventor. But what i think what he meant by this quote is that if you make mistakes you will find other mistakes that you will know. So every mistake you make you will discover new things.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Dear future Self

Dear future self,

            First thing I got to say did Donald Trump win the election of 2016. But moving on how is life is it awesome, what are the new things, and I'm i doing well in high school.  What do i become, is my life normal or has it become different. What kind of sports do I do and what classes I'm I taking. Also were do live and what problems do I face/do I over come them. Tell me advice so this could help me in the future and what things are you excited right now.  


Tuesday, February 2, 2016

If you could end any one problem in the world, what would it be?

   One problem in the world I could fix or end is starvation. The reason why I picked this problem because, in different countries people starve to death while other countries others have excess of food. If this problem continues more people will die and later the world will be decreased by population. A way we could fix this problem is if we have extra food we give it to donations so they will send it to people who need it more than us. Another thing is not to eat a lot on few so the extra could be send.